Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Update!

Dear Readers,

Thanks for hanging in there. Here is my first official update post. I am finally done with my Junior year, so I have time to really focus on the fact that I will be in China in about 6 weeks. This is REALLY exciting and REALLY freaking me out a little bit.

I have a large to-do list, which is slowly getting checked off. Along with this to-do list, I have a growing list of prayer requests. Here is a hybrid of those lists for you:

-Visa. I got a letter of invitation yesterday and will be submitting my application for a visa in the next couple days. They don't have to have a good reason to deny me a visa, so pray that everything goes smoothly and everyone is in a good mood when they get my form.

-Funds. I have already been blessed by the donations I have received so far! So amazing. However, the costs are adding up quickly. This is my first time raising and managing my own funds while going abroad, and there is a lot more to pay for than I expected.

-My little arms. I got 4 shots yesterday (and still have to go in for one more in 28 days too) to get the needed immunizations to stay safe while in China. They hurt. I'll be fine though. I think. Haha.

Four shots all together.

Two on each arm.

-Developing lesson plans. I will be creating 8-1 hour lesson plans including flash cards, games, activities, etc. I am excited, but it is a daunting task looming ahead.

-For the rest of the teachers, native English speakers from all over the world, who are going through the same thing as I am right now.

It is all coming up soon. It's been great to spend the last week home in Colorado with my family. I am excited to celebrate my sister's graduation and my parent's 25th wedding anniversary this Saturday. Being here has been very restful and good for me after a crazy semester!

My parents eating the 25th anniversary meal we made for them.

Here's all of us at CSU.

I decorated Sarah's hat for her. It got a close up on the jumbo-tron. I'm finally a famous artist!

Me and my sister!

Thanks so much for all your continued support.

Blessings and Peace,

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