Sunday, June 26, 2011

Less than a Week!

Dear Readers,

YES! This time next week I'll be in Beijing!

What have I been up to in the last couple days?

Spending time with my sister and lovely niece and nephew. Jenn, my sister, had surgery last Monday and I have been helping her recover by watching the kids and helping out around the house. Mommies have a crazy job! I need more than 24 hours to do everything I want to do! It's been great to spend some time here with them before I head off to China and then dive right into my senior year once I bet back to California!


I have been getting exciting last minute details via email about my trip. Here is a basic schedule for those of you who are curious:

July 2: Arrive, travel to hostel, settle in.
July 3: Visit BICF for a Sunday service, sight seeing, shopping, and welcome dinner, travel to orientation site
July 4-7: Orientation
July 8: Commissioning and travel to first camp site
July 9-14: Camp in Yanzhou
July 17-28: Camp in either Hanzhou or Nanjing
July 31-12: Camp in either Halian or Hebeii
August 16-19: Debriefing
August 20: Travel back to California!

Here is a link for the hostel we will be staying in upon arrival:
Looks pretty fun! I've never stayed at a hostel before! I'm going to feel like a legit traveler!

I cannot wait. I am so excited.

Requests: for the last minute details for my lesson plans (coming along VERY well!), for traveling safety, for clarity of mind while packing!

Blessings and Peace,

Monday, June 20, 2011

Big Blessings

Dear Readers,

Some of the biggest blessings for me so far in my journey of preparing for China have all followed a similar pattern:

1. Something doesn't seem to be going right in my opinion as I prepare for my trip.
2. I freak out a little.
3. I freak out a little more.
4. I finally say, "OK, You're going to have to fix it, Father."
5. He fixes it better than I even asked Him to.

It is a beautiful thing to learn over and over again that He is good. Even if He has to show me over and over again.

Quick update:

Tomorrow I leave to travel to Washington to see my sister and her family. Please pray for us. Jenn is going into surgery today and will be in the hospital for 3 days. Praise Him that I was planning on coming to visit anyway, because now I get to play mom while Jenn is out of commission. That way, her husband doesn't have to take too much time off work. What a happy coincidence! I cannot wait to see my little friends, Alina and Xalin and have a lot of FUN together!

I'll be in Washington until July 1 when I will fly from SEATAC to Vancouver, BC then straight away to BEIJING!!!

The only think I really have left to do is finish my lesson plans!

Blessings and Peace,

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Toilet Talk

Dear Readers,

Everyone I have talked to and every website and blog and travel book I have read have been quick to advise a traveler to China like me to bring one very important thing:


Most Chinese public toilets do not supply toilet paper. Thought you can buy TP and tissues easily once you're there, it's good to have some for the first few days of arriving and settling in. Even after that, though, you still have to tote some around throughout the whole trip.

Not only that, but many are squatty potties, like this:

How about that! It looks like a toilet on the floor with no seat. Check out those foot parts. Look a least a little grippy... hopefully I don't fall in...

Lets remember that the most exotic place this traveler has been is Jawor, Poland. We always had a toilet seat and TP there. So this is new. And kind of exciting. This means I'm traveling somewhere where I have to rough it a little, at least.

So I've gotten prepared thanks to my lovely Grandma Dorothy. I had the blessing of spending the day with her today. We spent time in the Fine Arts Center where she is training to become a docent. Then, we had a great lunch at Amuse. After that, I got to sit in on a meeting of the various community and committee leaders in the building she lives in (a little view into what life may be like in 50 years!).

Grandma is always quick to offer wisdom and lessons she has learned in her years--she even had great advice about toilet paper. She contributed a roll of Scott single ply, no frills TP. This roll gives you the most bang for your buck (perfect!). I spend about 30 minutes splitting up the roll into 7 small rolls to tote around during my great China adventure!

Thanks, Grandma! You've taken care of me in a unique and VERY NECESSARY way!

Blessings and Peace,

Just Kayak!

Dear Reader,

Are you wondering how to get to China? Well here you go.

You just have to kayak across the Pacific. They say it only takes 37 days... yeah right.

I'm going a different route, I think. :)

Blessings and Peace,

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's here! Kind of...

Dear Readers,

Today has been an emotional roller coaster! My passport/visa came in the mail today. However, when I opened it up, I realized I had been granted a L (tourist) visa and not a F (business) visa. NOT what I wanted. I was very overwhelmed/frustrated/worried. What if that means I cannot go? Is it going to make it difficult for Daybreak to host me in China? Will I be able to teach? Am I going to have to pay another $145 plus a handlers fee now since I cannot just go back to Chicago?

Once I calmed myself down a bit, I emailed Daybreak. They wrote back quickly, probably because I dramatically wrote in the subject, "Visa: Bad News :("

They wrote back saying:

Don't worry! The L is still ok! We may have to move you to a different team, but that is all. Different consulates have different regulations about the F visa, and you were just a little unlucky. We'll make it work: Just arrive on your L and we will fix it in China.

So... moving forward. It's a little hard to be excited after being really upset, but I think it will all work out.

PLEASE pray that it will all work out, that my misfortune will not be too much of a problem for Daybreak, that I will still be able to teach, etc.

As official as it will ever be:
I'm officially going to China!

Blessings and Peace,

Friday, June 3, 2011

Visa Update

Dear Readers,

My passport has left the Chinese embassy officially. It is en route... in Memphis, actually. I have no idea if there is a beautiful visa stamped in it or not, but I sure hope so. :) It should be here on the 7th. I'll keep you all posted.

Blessings and Peace,