Tuesday, June 7, 2011

It's here! Kind of...

Dear Readers,

Today has been an emotional roller coaster! My passport/visa came in the mail today. However, when I opened it up, I realized I had been granted a L (tourist) visa and not a F (business) visa. NOT what I wanted. I was very overwhelmed/frustrated/worried. What if that means I cannot go? Is it going to make it difficult for Daybreak to host me in China? Will I be able to teach? Am I going to have to pay another $145 plus a handlers fee now since I cannot just go back to Chicago?

Once I calmed myself down a bit, I emailed Daybreak. They wrote back quickly, probably because I dramatically wrote in the subject, "Visa: Bad News :("

They wrote back saying:

Don't worry! The L is still ok! We may have to move you to a different team, but that is all. Different consulates have different regulations about the F visa, and you were just a little unlucky. We'll make it work: Just arrive on your L and we will fix it in China.

So... moving forward. It's a little hard to be excited after being really upset, but I think it will all work out.

PLEASE pray that it will all work out, that my misfortune will not be too much of a problem for Daybreak, that I will still be able to teach, etc.

As official as it will ever be:
I'm officially going to China!

Blessings and Peace,


  1. i'm UBER excited for you to go! i really can't wait to hear all about it and i know everything will sort itself out, as things always do. God's gonna use you in super great ways and you'll make little Chinese kids so happy! i'm going to follow your blog every step of the way, so post often!

  2. I have the feeling that this is one of those things that seems bad at first, but turns into something unexpectedly good and fortuitous. Very excited for you! Looking forward to dinner tomorrow night!!! :-) ~ Lou
